What were two findings the article was trying to communicate?

Practicing Library Skills

In your studies for this unit, you researched the Capella library to find an article on the health behavior model. Summarize the article, including the following information: How old was the article? What was the background of the author or authors that makes them credible experts? What were two findings the article was trying to communicate? What did the authors say about the ability to take the findings in the article and generalize them to a broader population? Be sure to use your APA resources to properly cite materials used in your discussions. Refer to the APA Citation: Citing a Journal Article multimedia presentation (linked in the Resources). Your initial discussion post must: Be at least 150 words in length. Contain a minimum of one in-text citation and one reference. Reinforcing Your Library Skills In your studies for this unit, you were asked to identify three databases that were specific to your field and search them with the keywords, health care disparities. You found three article abstracts related to your field and saved them in a Word doc in your new Using the Capella Library folder. For this discussion, summarize of one of the three abstracts by paraphrasing and address the following: Is the journal article current? What was one thing you learned from the abstract? How did the information in the abstract inform what you are currently doing or are interested in doing in your professional field? Remember that abstracts are usually just a starting place to determine what an article will cover. Be sure to use your APA resources to properly cite materials used in your discussions. Refer to the APA Citation: Citing a Journal Article multimedia presentation (linked in the Resources) as well. Your initial discussion post must: Be at least 150 words in length. Contain a minimum of one in-text citation and one reference. Resources Assignment Topic Areas. Capella University Library. Find Scholarly and Peer Reviewed Sources. Health Care Administration Undergraduate Library Research Guide. Nursing (BSN) Library Research Guide. Public Health Undergraduate Library Research Guide. – my topic is going to be on Medication Error https://capellauniversity.libguides.com/az.php?s=41197&t=6830

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