Which government agency(ies) or organizations influenced the training of nurses and how did the agency(ies) do that? Did nursing organizations play a role?

Which government agency(ies) or organizations influenced the training of nurses and how did the agency(ies) do that? Did nursing organizations play a role?

Nursing Education
1. READ the following:
Chapter 10: Child Health
Chapter 11: Communicable Diseases
2. READ the following four (4) articles related to nursing education systems around the globe (Ireland Kenya Poland China). CLICK on the PDF files.
ODwyer P. (2007). The educational preparation of nurses in Ireland. Nursing Education Perspectives 28(3) 136-139. [PDF file] Mule G.K. (1986). Nursing education in Kenya: Trends and innovations. International Nursing Review 33(3) 83-86. [PDF file] Sztembis B. (2006). The past present and future of nurse education in Poland: stages conditions and activities. International Nursing Review 53(2) 102-109. [PDF file] Xu Y. Xu Z. & Zhang J. (2000). The nursing education system in the Peoples Republic of China: Evolution structure and reform. International Nursing Review 47(4) 207-217. [PDF file] 3. WRITE a 750 word paper CCOMPARE the nursing education systems of the two (2) of the countries in the above journal articles. See the Nursing Student Writing Guidelines Checklist for paper requirements and answering the following:
HEADING: Political History and Development of Nursing Education: Comparison of [Selected Country] and [Selected Country] o Describe how the political history of the country influenced nursing education in your selected (2) countries. How did nursing education develop?
HEADING: Government and Nursing Organizations Influencing Nursing Education: Comparison of [Selected Country] and [Selected Country] o Which government agency(ies) or organizations influenced the training of nurses and how did the agency(ies) do that? Did nursing organizations play a role?
HEADING: Current System of Nursing Education: Comparison of [Selected Country] and [Selected Country] o According to the article what is the current system for educating nurses in the selected counties? Are there diploma (hospital-based) schools? Has nursing education moved into university settings? Is there a combination of nursing education programs (similar to U.S. system) to train nurses?
HEADING: Post-Graduate (Masters) Education: Comparison of [Selected Country] and [Selected Country] o Is post-graduate (masters) education for nurses available?
HEADING: Reflections on Nursing Education in [Selected Countries] o In conclusion what surprised you about nursing education in the countries that you selected?
Use the above headings in your paper. In-text citations and a reference list MUST be found in your paper.
See the Nursing Student Writing Guidelines Checklist for APA formatting.
See end of Module for common paper errors.
Comparison of: Political History and Development of Nursing Education;
Government and Nursing Organizations Influencing Nursing Education;
Current System of Nursing Education;
Post-Graduate (Masters) Education
8.8 million children under the age of 5 die each year
Many of these deaths are preventable
Children are a particularly vulnerable population
Closely linked with poverty
Insufficient progress has been made in certain parts of the world in reducing childhood morbidity and mortality
Perinatal : first week of life
Neonatal : referring to the first month of life
Infant : referring to the first year of life
Under-5 : referring to children 0-4 years old
40% of the burden of disease in low- and middle-income countries
Disproportionately affect the poor
Enormous economic consequences
Relevance to MDGs
Burden of communicable disease is unnecessary many can be prevented or treated
Communicable disease- transmitted from animal to animal animal to human or human to human
Spread and contracted through food water bodily fluids vector inhalation nontraumatic contact and traumatic contact
Controlled with vaccination mass chemotherapy vector control improved water and sanitation improved care seeking and disease recognition case management and behavioral change
36% of total deaths 40% of total DALYs lost annually in low- and middle-income countries
Relative importance compared to noncommunicable diseases and injuries varies by region
South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa have highest relative burden of deaths from communicable diseases
Relative importance of specific communicable diseases varies by region age group
Constrain health and development of children having an effect on education and productivity
Strong stigma and discrimination associated with HIV TB and others
Limit productivity of adult workers
Costs of treatment burden families
High rates reduce investment in a countrys development
The Burden of Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases
Resistant forms of disease emerge or re-emerge when bacteria parasites and viruses are genetically altered
Critical global health problems because they can arise anywhere at anytime and spread rapidly
Drug resistance limits ability to treat infection
Addressing the Burden of HIV/AIDS
Focus on prevention of new infections
Successful efforts have included strong political leadership and open communication
Approach to prevention must vary with nature of epidemic
Efforts need to combine education and behavioral change bio-medical approaches and structural approaches

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