Which of the following is a potential threat to effective interviewing?

Hot Clinical Psy Discussions

1. Which of the following is a potential threat to effective interviewing?

1. Time of day

1. Interviewer bias

1. Structured interviews

1. Self-monitoring

1. Anita, a 20-year-old college student, comes in for an evaluation. When the clinician asks her what brings her in for therapy, she answers, “I wanted to know how to get rid of the fairies in my dorm room. They come out every night, and their pixie dust makes me sneeze, so I can’t go to sleep.” Based on Anita’s answer, which of the following is the most appropriate tool to use for further assessment?

1. Crisis interview

1. Computer-based interview

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1. Self-monitoring

1. Mental status interview

1. Isaac is a single, 40-year-old male who runs his own business. Lately, he feels tired all the time, lacks motivation and appetite, and is not enthusiastic about anything. Based on his symptoms, which type of interview is most appropriate to use?

2. Termination

2. Crisis

2. Mental status

2. Diagnostic

1. What is a risk factor when assessing for suicide?

3. The type of questionnaire used

3. Previous attempts

3. Watching movies about suicide

3. Maintaining an active social structure

1. A crisis interview would be appropriate to

4. assess how family of origin influences a person’s ability to handle a crisis

4. obtain a clearer understanding of a patient’s diagnosis

4. assess whether a depressed client with frequent suicidal thoughts has formulated a detailed plan

4. screen for a patient’s level of psychological functioning

1. A company wants to use a psychological test to screen for emotional stability for a sensitive position. Which of the following tests is the best choice for the company to use?

5. Cognitive Assessment System

5. Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-IV)

5. Woodcock-Johnson

5. Sixteen Personality Factors (16PF)

1. ________ testing presents specific questions or statements to which a person responds by using specific answers or a scale. ________ is an example of this type of testing.

1. Objective; MMPI

1. Projective; TAT

1. Functional; NEO-PI-R

1. Intelligence; Stanford-Binet

1. ________ testing uses ambiguous or unstructured testing stimuli to which a person responds freely to the testing stimuli. ________ is an example of this type of testing.

1. Objective; MMPI

1. Projective; TAT

1. Functional; NEO-PI-R

1. Intelligence; Stanford-Binet

1. ________ testing is used to learn more about a person’s overall cognitive strengths and weaknesses. ________ is an example of this type of testing.

8. Objective; MMPI

8. Projective; TAT

8. Functional; NEO-PI-R

8. Intelligence; Stanford-Binet

1. Which of the following is a multicultural issue for any of the psychological instruments customarily used in the United States?

0. Level of acculturation

0. Preconceived notions

0. Theoretical orientation

0. Distortion of information

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