Which of the following items does NOT support the above point?

Volunteer service should be required for all high-school students across America.

Which of the following items does NOT support the above point?
a. Service to others would help instill a greater sense of compassion and social responsibility in young people
.b. The many needy people and charity programs in the U.S. would benefit from the help of young volunteers.
c. More and more young people today suffer from obesity and poor health.
d. Volunteering will help young people develop self-esteem and a sense of accomplishment.

Depression can be divided into several different types.

Which of the following items does NOT support the above point?
a. The term “major depressive disorder” describes serious depression that lasts for several weeks or more.
b. Most depression can be treated by a combination of medication, behavior modification, and therapy.
c. A kind of depression called dysthymia is not very severe, but lasts for a long time.
d. Adjustment disorder is a mild, short-lived depression brought on by stress.

Indoor plants are a healthy addition to any home or office.

Which of the following items does NOT support the above point?
a. Indoor plants require frequent watering and can easily become diseased.
b. Indoor plants reduce airborne toxic chemicals as much as 20 percent.
c. Indoor plants add fresh oxygen and improve indoor humidity levels, reducing “sick building syndrome.”
d. Indoor plants have been proven to reduce stress and blood pressure in individuals, increasing productivity and health.

Many useful everyday items have their origins in the U.S. space program.

Which of the following items does NOT support the above point?
a. Scratch-resistant lenses of eyeglasses?commonplace today?were invented by NASA to protect orbiting cameras from space dust.
b. Today’s dental braces contain a metal alloy created by scientists to give satellites extra strength.
c. Recent budget constraints have reduced funding for much of NASA’s planned missions.
d.Portable electronic devices that measure blood pressure and heart rate emerged from the U.S. space program of the early 1960s.
People planning to buy a new car should consider purchasing a hybrid electric vehicle, or HEV.

Which of the following items does NOT support the above point?
a. It costs less to run HEVs because they have twice the fuel economy of conventional cars.
b. The emissions of HEVs are much lower than that of ordinary fuel vehicles, making HEVs much more environmentally friendly.
c. HEVs help reduce dependence on fossil fuels because they use less gas than traditional vehicles.
d. There is a great deal of information on the Internet about HEVs.

Computers should not be used in elementary school classrooms.

Which of the following items does NOT support the above point?
a. Computers, with their sound effects and graphics, contribute to children’s inability to focus and concentrate.
b. Sales of home computers have steadily increased over the last two decades.
c. Classroom computers take time away from children’s development of important thinking and motor skills.
d. Computers tempt teachers to be lazy rather than teach well-crafted lessons.

People’s personality types are suited to specific kinds of careers.

Which of the following items does NOT support the above point?
a. A person with a curious personality might make a good scientist, doctor, or writer.
b. People who have artistic personalities will probably be happiest in creative, unstructured careers.
c. Someone with a very social personality will do well working with people, as a counselor, teacher, or minister.
d. Salary is the most important factor in choosing a career.

Dogs serve a variety of important functions in the modern world.

Which of the following items does NOT support the above point?
a. Herding dogs help ranchers safely raise, move, and protect livestock worldwide.
b. Dogs require significant time and attention to learn how to work well with people.
c. Law-enforcement agencies rely on dogs for assistance in rescue and bomb detection.
d. Hospitals and nursing homes are increasingly using dogs to provide comfort to patients.

Artists serve an important role in society.

Which of the following items does NOT support the above point?
a. Artists record images of historical moments that can be preserved for later generations.
b. Artists give concrete form to abstract ideas and feelings, such as love, hate, and sorrow.
c. Artists offer unique and fresh ways of seeing things, allowing observers of artwork to broaden their minds.
d. Artists may use a variety of materials in their artwork, including clay, paint, metal, and other substances.

Throughout history, societies have been dramatically changed by the introduction of goods from other cultures.

Which of the following items does NOT support the above point?
a. Explorers like Marco Polo contributed to the exchange of goods between cultures.
b. Noodles brought to Italy from China transformed the Italian diet and created a worldwide craze for pasta.
c. Explorers from Spain brought horses to the Western Hemisphere, creating significant change in Native American societies.
d. Corn, tomatoes, potatoes, and turkeys were brought from the Americas to Europe, leading to population growth and new eating habits. Here is the solution… View the full answer

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