Why does compassion satisfaction appear to be a buffer against burnout?
1.Discuss Animal-Assited Therapy (AAT) . What is your opinion about (AAT). Is AAT beneficial in health care? Would you integrate/ encourage AAT into your nursing practice?
2. Chapter 16 Burnout Vicarious Traumatization and Compassion Fatigue
Be prepared to discuss:
Why does compassion satisfaction appear to be a buffer against burnout?
Textbook: Crisis Intervention Strategies
Author: Richard K. James; Burl E. Gilliland
ISBN: 978-1-111-18677-7
Publisher: Brooks/Cole
3. Chapter 24: Gastrointestinal Function
Your client a 69 year old man has smoked at least a pack of cigarettes a day for the past 33 years. At present he is being treated for gastric ulcers.
What relationship if any exists between his age smoking history and gastric ulcers?