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Annotated bibliography Objectives: The student will be able to: 1. Begin to read more critically instead of just collecting information 2. Assess what has been done in the literature and where your own research or scholarship can fit. 3. Assist to formulate a thesis/research study 4. Develop a thesis that is debatable, interesting, and current 5. Gain a good perspective on what is being said about a topic of interest 6. Be able to develop your own point of view and prepare for a research proposal An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books, articles, and documents. Each citation is followed by a brief (usually about 50 to 150 words or longer) descriptive and evaluative paragraph, the annotation. The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources. An annotation is a summary and/or evaluation. Therefore, an annotated bibliography includes a summary and/or evaluation of each of the sources. Depending on your study or the assignment, your annotations may do one or more of the following. • Summarize: Some annotations merely summarize the source. What are the main arguments? What is the point of this book or article? What topics are covered? If someone asked what this article/book is about, what would you say? The length of your annotations will determine how detailed your summary is. • Assess: After summarizing a source, it may be helpful to evaluate it. Is it a useful source? How does it compare with other sources in your bibliography? Is the information reliable? Is this source biased or objective? What is the goal of this source? • Reflect: Once you’ve summarized and assessed a source, you need to ask how it fits into your research. Was this source helpful to you? How does it help you shape your argument? How can you use this source in your research project? Has it changed how you think about your topic? Your annotated bibliography may include some of these, all of these, or even others. The format of an annotated bibliography can vary. The annotations: The annotations for each source must be written in paragraph form. The lengths of the annotations can vary significantly from a couple of sentences to a couple of pages. The length will depend on the purpose. If you’re just writing summaries of your sources, the annotations may not be very long. However, if you are writing an extensive analysis of each source, you’ll need more space. You may focus your annotations for your own needs. A few sentences of general summary followed by several sentences of how you can fit the work into your larger paper or project can serve you well when you go to draft. Please select 20 articles or more to support your topic.

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