write a 1 – 2 page paper discussing your belief on death and how that will affect patient care.
End of Life Reflective Paper
Project description
End of Life Reflective Paper
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• End of Life Reflective Paper Grading Rubric (17.363 KB)
You will write a 1 – 2 page paper discussing your belief on death and how that will affect patient care. You should discuss the following topics:
• Your own attitude, feelings, beliefs, values, and expectations about death and why you feel this way.
• Discuss cultural or spiritual reasons for your view in death.
• Discuss how a Christian worldview affects your thoughts on death.
• Discuss how your values, beliefs, feelings, and attitude will affect the patience care you will deliver in your career.
Your paper is to be written in APA format and double-spaced.
My cultural background is African American
My spiritual background is Christian Baptist