Write a 1-page paper outlining the steps, timeline for completing the project / dissertation, and the documents you will use for the DNP Scholarly Project.

Becoming Familiar With The DNP Scholarly Project
Becoming Familiar with the DNP Scholarly Project

As a doctoral candidate, you will complete a DNP (Doctorate of Nursing Practice) Scholarly Project. Are you curious about what will be required of you? For this Assignment, you locate and read materials that pertain to your doctoral program at Walden University, and begin thinking about your DNP Scholarly Project.

To prepare:

DNP students:

Review the DNP section of the Walden University website (http://researchcenter.waldenu.edu/DNP-Doctoral-Study-Program.htm. (type this in your browser and it will open the page)
Carefully review the requirements for the DNP Scholarly Project process.
Consider the steps and timeline you will work through to complete the DNP Scholarly project.

To complete:

Write a 1-page paper outlining the steps, timeline for completing the project / dissertation, and the documents you will use for the DNP Scholarly Project. Include the main guide document that identifies the processes and procedures for the appropriate doctoral project. After writing the 1-page,then:

1) Summarize the purpose of the DNP Scholarly Project.

2) Briefly describe a project that would be of interest to you and how you might go about completing that project. (Just write any project related to nursing. I haven’t thought about my project yet)

Due by Day 6 of Week 5. On Saturday 7/1/17

Required Readings

Zaccagnini, M. E., & White, K. W. (2014). The doctor of nursing practice essentials: A new model for advanced practice nursing (2nd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett. [Vital Source e-reader]

[For DNP students ONLY]

Chapter 9, “Emerging Roles for the DNP”

Multiple advanced nursing practice roles are discussed in this chapter, including nurse administrator, nurse entrepreneur, public and community health practitioner, and integrative health practitioner.

Institute of Medicine (IOM). (2010a). The future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health[Consensus report]. Washington, DC: National Academies Press. Retrieved from https://web.archive.org/web/20150211165201/http://iom.edu/Reports/2010/The-Future-of-Nursing-Leading-Change-Advancing-Health.aspx

This link provides access to the complete IOM report (672 pages). You may read the report online or download a free PDF version.

Institute of Medicine (IOM). (2010b). The future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health[Report brief]. Retrieved from https://web.archive.org/web/20150203150734/http://iom.edu/

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