Write a 4-5 page paper applying Lewin’s Change Theory (page requirements exclude title and reference sections)

Integrate leadership strategies and theories to promote effective change.Consider an issue on your present or previous clinical unit that you believe needs to be changed. For example, has there been multiple medication errors recently due to not following

Part I. Prepare

Consider an issue on your present or previous clinical unit that you believe needs to be changed. For example, has there been multiple medication errors recently due to not following policy? Has there been a significant increase in nursing turnover on the unit? Perhaps HCAHPS scores have been low due to poor patient satisfaction scores. Use the assigned readings from Module 3 to help generate ideas as well. *Check with your instructor if you are unsure if your topic would be acceptable or if you need guidance in identifying an issue.
Reflect on this issue and begin to generate some possible strategies that you, as the nurse leader or manager, may implement to improve outcomes.
Apply Kurt Lewin’s change theory found in Marquis and Huston (2015) Chapter 8.
Generate strategies that can help the change become the new status quo on the unit.

Part II. Write a 4-5 page paper applying Lewin’s Change Theory (page requirements exclude title and reference sections)

Include an introductory paragraph with a concise description of the issue that you are addressing. Support the need for change with theory. Your introductory paragraph should also include a clearly stated purpose of the paper.Reflect on this issue and begin to generate some possible strategies that you, as the nurse leader or manager, may implement to improve outcomes.
Address each stage of the change theory. How will you, as the nurse leader, facilitate unfreezing, movement and refreezing?
Generate strategies that will help the change become the new status quo. Will the change be effective?
Support your paper with one leadership theory that was discussed in Module 1 to help you, as the nurse leader, implement the change. For example, how can the traits of a transformational leader help you be effective as a change agent?

Part III. Paper Guidelines
Paper should be 4-5 pages in length, excluding title page and reference page.
Your paper should adhere to APA 6th edition guidelines. It should be double-spaced with Times Roman 12 pt font, saved in .doc format. Do not attach your document as a PDF file. Be sure to refer to APA for in-text citations and formatting the reference page.
Headings must be included based on paper guidelines. Level 1 headings in APA are recommended.
Include at least 3-4 scholarly references in your paper. Your textbook may be one reference, but the others must be from peer-reviewed, refereed resources. At least three of the references MUST be from nursing journals.

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