write a brief opinion piece (2-3 pages double-spaced), either advocating or opposing a current healthcare issue, of the type that would appear on the editorial page of a major newspaper
This paper, you will write a brief opinion piece (2-3 pages double-spaced), either advocating or opposing a current healthcare issue, of the type that would appear on the editorial page of a major newspaper like the New York Times, Washington Post, or Wall Street Journal. Your opinion piece may either advocate for the issue or explain why it is unwise. I. Objective Explanation of the Issue/Controversy. Choose a current issue. For your editorial to be good, it will have to address an issue or topic that is on the public mind as at the time it gets into print. Look to news services for the hot topics. Include the five W’s and the H (who, what, where, when and how). Members of Congress, in an effort to reduce the budget, are looking to cut funding from Medicaid for prenatal care. Hearings were held II. Present Your Opposition First. As the writer, you disagree with these viewpoints. Identify the people specifically who oppose you. (Republicans feel that these cuts are necessary; other cable stations can pick them; only the rich watch public television.) Give a strong position of the opposition. You gain nothing in refuting a weak position. III. Directly Refute The Opposition’s Beliefs. Show your reader why the subject is worth caring about. Demonstrate with examples and statistics that support the point you’re making. Each paragraph should include some piece of information that shows the reader why the subject is important. IV. Conclude With Some Punch. Give solutions to the problem or challenge the reader to be informed. (Congress should look to where real wastes exist perhaps in defense and entitlements to find ways to