write a scholarly paper discussing a communicable disease, demonstrating knowledge of epidemiologic principles and the community health nurse’s role in disease surveillance, including case finding, data collection, reporting, and evaluation.

June 24, 2019 Off All,

The purpose of this assignment is to write a scholarly paper discussing a communicable disease, demonstrating knowledge of epidemiologic principles and the community health nurse’s role in disease surveillance, including case finding, data collection, reporting, and evaluation. Write a scholarly paper on a salmonellosis (salmonella infection). The paper should be at least 1,500 words not including cover page, abstract (required), appendix, and reference pages. The abstract is limited to 120 words. Include the following: 1) Present a brief clinical description of a communicable disease (including signs and symptoms, diagnostic methods, treatment, prevalence, incidence, and prognosis). 2) Provide an epidemiological description of the disease by selecting an appropriate epidemiologic model (the EPI triangle or the web of causation) and apply it to the identified communicable disease. Include and label a diagram of the model (Please put this diagram on the page before the reference pages). 3) Describe separately the agent, host, and environmental characteristics and the relationships between them. 4) Describe the impact of the disease from a global perspective by including statistics and effects/implications of the disease at the local, state, national, and international levels. 5) Based on available data, assess and evaluate the effectiveness of current public health education and prevention programs related to this disease by identifying gaps and areas of opportunity. Demonstrate decision making by proposing new interventions or programs that improve client outcomes by decreasing the prevalence or impact of the disease on a target population. 6) Describe the following roles of professional nursing regarding the surveillance of disease: case finding, reporting, data collection and analysis, and follow-up/evaluation. 7) Provide a minimum of four current professional references (within the last 5 years). 8) Prepare this assignment according to APA style guidelines. ***Please make sure to include all components in each section!! An example essay and rubric will be provided.

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