Write a six to nine page paper using the Principal’s Tool Kit

Breakthrough Principals, Diagnosis and Action Planning: Write a six to nine page paper using the Principal’s Tool Kit, Chapter 2: Diagnosis and Action Planning table, page 269. Summarize and prioritize your findings for four of the five categories of an effective school, i.e. school culture, learning and teaching, talent management, and planning and operations. Using the worksheets in the Framework, identify two levers in each category and give the stage that your school is in for each lever. Provide a rationale for each lever and stage. Following this, create a minimum of one goal based on your diagnosis. Provide a rationale for selecting the goal or goals. At the end of your paper, reflect on the KSMs (Knowledge, Skills, and Mindsets) that are needed to diagnose and resolve the identified goal(s) with a rationale for their need. A rubric is provided in Blackboard.FYI I am from Houston, TX

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