Write an in-depth essay regarding the ability of argument to fundamentally Change the World.
Please read ALL instructions for the 3 Essay prompts to be completed, Grading, Notes, and Suggestions very closely. Due March 27th: 1. Write an in-depth essay regarding argumentation and ethics that includes (at least): Plato, The Sophists, dehumanization, Cognitive Dissonance, The Elaboration likelihood Model, Invitational Rhetoric, and Dialogic Communication (40 pts). 2. Write an in-depth essay regarding the ability of argument to fundamentally Change the World. This essay should include: The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, Ideas Have Consequences, the Hegelian Dialectic, and the 7 Mountains of Cultural Influence. Examples hypothetical or real world would be much appreciated. (30pts). 3. Write an in-depth essay explaining in detail both the Nave Scientist and the Cognitive Miser. Then explain how each of these would approach and/or use the concepts of Ethos/Pathos/Logos differently when constructing and/or evaluating messages/arguments. This essay should explain why one of these models is a preferable option as we make decisions in the world (30 Pts). Grading: A = Answering all 3 questions: Creatively, with in depth information/explanation, excellent organization, excellent writing skills, on time. In short, an essay that is impressive and indicative of an exceptional, top level, hard-working TCU student. B =. Answering all 3 questions: Creatively, mostly in-depth information/explanation, strong organization, good writing skills, on time. In short, an essay that is very good and indictive of a hard-working, extremely intelligent TCU student. C = Answering all 3 questions: With some creativity and in-depth information/explanation, competent organization and writing skills (on time). In short, an essay that is good and indictive of a competent TCU student. Notes: 1. All paper should be typed (12 font) and double spaced. – Ideally MLA format 2. You can attach a reference page (any style you choose) that accurately depicts all sources used in this essay. 3. There is not a specific word/page count for this assignment, but please be sure to answer all parts of the questions in depth! Suggestions: 1. While I talked about most of these theories in class, do some research/reading to really acquaint yourself with the ideas/authors associated with the theories. 2. Dont write the entire test in one sitting. I have noticed that people who use this method start out strong and burn out as they go deeper into the test. So, I would suggest writing them one question at a time with time between those sessions. 3. Dont view this as busy work or an assignment. Each of these questions speak to issues that you personally face on a daily basis as well as issues that have impact in the world around us. Spend some time reflecting on your thoughts on ethical communication as it relates to persuasive venues, spend some time thinking about the way that messages impact the worldviews of individuals and the larger consequences of those impactsSpend some time thinking about how your identification as a Miser or Scientist has impacted the good/bad choices you have made in your life etc. To this end. Personal examples, stories, random musings, loosely connected examples, jokes are all encouraged!!!!!