Write the report for the nursing profession that highlights the issue, its contributing factors the impact on the family and recommendations for nursing practice.

Family Heath Care

undertake a report into a key health issue that has been identified by unit staff from the document ARACY report card: The wellbeing of young Australians, 2013.
¢ Topic of report: The safety / prevention of injury in Australian children / adolescent.
¢ Choose a specific age group (infant, or toddler or preschooler or school age or adolescent).
¢ Write the report for the nursing profession that highlights the issue, its contributing factors the impact on the family and recommendations for nursing practice.
¢ Students are expected to make recommendations for nursing practice based on their research that are aligned to health promotion and prevention of health issues.
¢ Use the structure provided on vUWS to construct the report.
¢ Consult your campus coordinator or workshop lecturer if you are unclear about what you have to do.
Report writing is an essential skill for professionals. A report aims to inform, as clearly and succinctly as possible. A report is similar to an essay in that both need: formal style ,introduction, body and conclusion ,analytical thinking ˜careful proof-reading and neat presentation . A report differs from an essay in that a report: presents information, not an argument ;is meant to be scanned quickly by the reader ;uses numbered headings and sub-headings ;is often followed by recommendations and/or appendices . (University of Canberra, 2012 ) Retrieved from www.canberra.edu.au/studyskills/writing/reports
¢ Examples will be explored and applied in tutorial time week 2.
¢ There are a number of textbooks and resources available through the UWS Library that may assist you. Please refer to the unit™s vUWS site for specific unit resources.

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