Critically examine health factors that might complicate Georg prescribed medication of Risperidone, drawing upon current Mental Health Nursing

Mental Health

The purpose of this assessment item is to assess your learning that is your ability to provide safe and effective mental health nursing care that is evidence based practice on the chosen mental health nursing topic. The assessment essay will be divided into smaller sections. Please read the Essay Assessment questions carefully.


George is a 27 year old single male who has had four admissions in the past to the local acute MH service. He was diagnosed with schizophrenia in his late teens, this is a diagnosis that he is not comfortable with, nor agrees with, and is reluctant to take the prescribed medications to endeavour to treat his illness. George is currently admitted to the acute unit on an assessment order because of non-adherence to medication. His current medication is Risperidone. This is further complicated by the fact that George has a long history of using cannabis. George prefers to use cannabis to treat his illness, rather than the medication prescribed by the psychiatrist.

Critically examine health factors that might complicate Georg prescribed medication of Risperidone, drawing upon current Mental Health Nursing

evidence to support nursing strategies that can assist George in gaining better adherence to his prescribed medication.

Details of Assessment Task 1: Essay

· The essay asks for different health factors affecting George’s non-adherence to his medication.

· You have to look at factors that are affecting George and stopping him from taking his meds.

· It also asks what nursing strategies (interventions) we can use to improve his adherence.

· Limit health factors to 4 max, do them well and tell the reader you are limiting this because of word limit (in the introduction).

· The first three factors and strategies should focus on the patient while he is in hospital and last one should focus on the patient post discharge (GP, community MH services)

· Make sure nursing strategies (interventions) they should link to the health factors, other wise why are they there, additionally as we are asking to be critical bring in your evidence to support why you are doing these interventions is good practice.

· Make sure the structure of essay has one factor and one strategy in each paragraph to make clear sense as the connections are linked.

This essay must have introduction and conclusion.
Adherence to APA 6th edition conventions for all referencing. Twenty references are to be used from a variety of sources-journal articles, texts, edited works, government publications and conference proceedings.
Consistent identification and use of current, evidence-based references, highly relevant to MHN in Australia not from other countries. All references must academic and be peer reviewed, Has DOI. All reverences must be accessible
References must be within seven years of 2017 unless citing seminal works.

· Do not use dot points in the essay, do not use fact sheets and do not use Wikipedia as references

Headings can be used, however APA requires a table of contents page if headings are used.
Reputable and credible sources, currency (< 7 years) and appropriate APA6 style.
Use 2.5 margin on each side of the page with double spacing between lines. Use 11 or 12 point Arial or Times New Roman font style.

Word Length: 2,000 words for each section see essay details (plus or minus 10%, excluding the reference list and table of content and in text citation.
Please when you find the 4 health factors and 4 strategies let me know what are they so I can show it to my teacher to check if I am in the right track.
Please do not use turnitin for paper because my school use it. However, you must make sure the paper is original and free of plagiarism.

· Your essay will be marked using the essay marking guide.

· I provide 3 files (assignment instruction, marking guide, question and answer between teacher and student)

· Important: Please read these files carefully it will give you more clarification about the assignment.

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