Examine and assess the different classical management theories and apply in your chosen hospitality sector organisation and explain the role of the manager/leader and the leadership styles
leadership and management in the service sector. The impact of digital technology in the service sectors such as tourism and hospitality is clearly evident within core business systems: administration, promotion and communication, supply chain, and distribution, operation and in management control. Under the suggested theme, the learners will be required to focus on how digital technology influences the evolving role of leaders and managers in a specific travel, tourism or hospitality sector organisation based on the four learning outcomes noted below: Learning Outcome 1: Review classical management theories and leadership styles Examine and assess the different classical management theories and apply in your chosen hospitality sector organisation and explain the role of the manager/leader and the leadership styles. Analyse the leadership styles in relation to organisational structure and culture in your organisation. Using your selected hospitality organisation, review the management and leadership styles with a reference to the emerging influence of digital technology and its application and evaluate the link between theory and practice as currently seen in your organisation. Learning Outcome 2: Explore the factors that influence different management styles and structures in a service industry context In your chosen hospitality organisation, identify and investigate the internal and external factors that can influence management styles and structures. Analyse the key influencing factors such as the advancing digital technology, identifying their strengths and weaknesses. In your chosen service sector organisation critically analyse how specific management styles have been influenced and changed by application of digital technology Learning Outcome 3: Assess current and future management and leadership skills for the service sector Asses the current management and leadership skills, both hard and soft skills in your chosen hospitality organisation and discuss the required skills for future and how to achieve those skills. Evaluate the current and future management and leadership skills that are crucial for the chosen organisation in the light of emerging influence of digital technology. Critically evaluate how, in response to change, management and leadership skills in your chosen sector sector organisation has developed Learning Outcome 4: Demonstrate management and leadership skills in a service industry context Examine the change management process and leadership in implementing change in your organisation and compare and contrast with another service sector organisations. Analyse how change process affects management and leadership skills and styles with reference to digital technology application using your organisation as an example.