Analyze the influence of current health care trends and issues on the management/administration of nursing services in a specific health care system.

Analyze the influence of current health care trends and issues on the management/administration of nursing services in a specific health care system.
Order Description
Please see orders numbers 81873677, 81877608, 81877615, and 81877623 as these are all part of this assignment.

Graduate level, APA format

Required texts:
Required Textbooks
American Nurses Association. (2009). Scope and standards for nurse administrators.
Washington, DC: American Nurses Publishing.

Harris, J.L., Roussel, L., Walters, S.E., Dearman, C. (2011). Project planning and management:
A guide for CNLs, DNPs, and nurse executives. Subury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.
Refer to all texts and resources used in the graduate nursing program to include core and specialty courses.

ANA Standards of Practice for Nursing Administration pages 2-23 and Harris et al. Chapter 3 and 4
ANA Standards of Practice for Nursing Administration page 24-28 and Harris et al. Chapter 5-7

ANA Standards of Practice for Nursing Administration pages 29-34
Harris et al Ch. 9-11

Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Demonstrate concepts and skills related to the practice of nursing and the management of health care system, fiscal, and information resources.
2. Negotiate for resources necessary to accomplish individual learning objectives related to the management/administration of nursing services.
3. Collaborate with members of the health care agency’s administrative team to plan, develop, and complete an administrative project.
4. Analyze the influence of current health care trends and issues on the management/administration of nursing services in a specific health care system.
5. Implement appropriate change based on the synthesis of a comprehensive organizational analysis of a selected health care system/department/division/ unit and valid research findings.
6. Assess ability to function in the role of a beginning nurse manager/executive.
7. Advance the practice of nursing administration with professional behaviors reflective of autonomy, intellectual independence and curiosity, and accountability.

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