Discuss whether or not would you like to be a part of the association presented in the survey video.


The initial post is a mini-essay with 3 distinct paragraphs. An acceptable paragraph includes a topic sentence, supporting detail sentences, and a transitioning or conclusion sentence. Non-college level sentences, and uninformative messages are not included in the word count. Using additional references is not required; but if you do, they must come from the virtual library or government databases. Whether you utilize the course resources or other approved scholarly resources, be sure to prevent plagiarism by inserting appropriate APA style in-text citations, and by listing the reference(s) in APA style format at the end of your post. watch the survey video https://youtu.be/ADnh2FcZwLg In your opinion, what part of this group’s culture do you think is the most important? 1.Nonmaterial: Knowing a lot about volcanology, geology, and chemistry 2.Material: Using the equipment of volcanologists (ex., seismographs, thermal imager, tiltmeter, etc.) 3.Nonmaterial: Following the laws about research and trespassing Paragraph I: What did you learn from watching the survey video this week, and talk about the answer you selected in the survey. Explain your answer selection. Paragraph II: Discuss whether or not would you like to be a part of the association presented in the survey video. Also, come up with an additonal aspect of non-material culture from this association that could be added to the survey choices. *Hint – you may find the Quick Facts helpful. Paragraph III: Finally, access the List of Nursing Subcultures.(https://nurse.org/orgs.shtml) Which subculture from this list would you like to be a part of, and why? Be sure to also identify 3 examples of material culture in the nursing subculture you selected. *Hint – the material culture should help to identify the specific subculture.

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