After reading Developing Effective Research-Practice Partnerships for Creating a Culture of Evidence-Based Decision Making, describe and demonstrate how context and culture affect the implementation of evidence with your population or problem of interest.

August 31, 2019 Off All,

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention AND ASSESSING CONTEXT AND CULTURE.

Retrieve TWO PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES PERTAINING TO PSYCHOSOCIAL RESEARCH AND MY TOPIC OF ADULT PATIENTS LIVING WITH CHRONIC LOW BACK PAIN, DOES EDUCATIONAL SESSIONS ON OPIOIDS AND ADJUNCTIVE THERAPIES, COMPARED TO NON-EDUCATION, INCREASE ADHERENCE TO PAIN MANAGEMENT PLAN……..Critique each article, highlighting the strengths and the weaknesses of each article. Interpret the statistical analysis and significance of results. Finally, analyze the feasibility of applying this evidence to MY topic OF ADULT PATIENTS LIVING WITH CHRONIC LOW BACK PAIN, DOES EDUCATIONAL SESSIONS ON OPIOIDS AND ADJUNCTIVE THERAPIES, COMPARED TO NON-EDUCATION, INCREASE ADHERENCE TO PAIN MANAGEMENT PLAN …………… Both articles should directly correlate Topics and Objectives of Healthy People 2020 (US Department of Health and Human Services, 2014) within your chosen topic. WRITE TWO PAGE APA FORMAT PAPER . TWO REFERENCES FROM THE TWO PEER REVIEW ARTICLES AND THE ONE BELOW. Reference: US Department of Health and Human Services. (2014). 2020 topics & objectives – Objectives A–Z. Retrieved from http://www.healthy ASSESSING CONTEXT AND CULTURE Kent and McCormack (2010) explore the importance of context and culture and their relationship to the implementation of evidence-based practice. After reading Developing Effective Research-Practice Partnerships for Creating a Culture of Evidence-Based Decision Making, describe and demonstrate how context and culture affect the implementation of evidence with your population or problem of interest. ADULT PATIENTS LIVING WITH CHRONIC LOW BACK PAIN, DOES EDUCATIONAL SESSIONS ON OPIOIDS AND ADJUNCTIVE THERAPIES, COMPARED TO NON-EDUCATION, INCREASE ADHERENCE TO PAIN MANAGEMENT PLAN. Reference: WRITE ONE PAGE APA FORMAT PAPER . Riemer, M., Kelley, S., Casey, S., and Taylor Haynes, K. ( 2012). Developing effective research-practice partnerships for creating a culture of evidence-based decision making. Administration and Policy in Mental Health, 39(4), 248–257. doi: 10.1007/s10488-011-0368-6

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