Choose an aspect of the law and discuss this in relation to the role of the nurse. You are required to select an aspect of law and demonstrate your understanding of how statutory considerations impact on nursing practice and on decision making of nurses.
Choose an aspect of the law and discuss this in relation to the role of the nurse. You are required to select an aspect of law and demonstrate your understanding of how statutory considerations impact on nursing practice and on decision making of nurses.
assignment rules: · 1000 words is the guide, with a 10% allowance either way. if you go over or under the 10% then you will be penalised by one grade. word count does not include; the reference list and the appendix. · you must write a reflective appendix on a topic relevant to your essay. · references must be given with a minimum of 8 references using cite them right. · work must be typed (1 or double spaced); using font size 12. Just to let you know that I have to put it through turnitin and please make sure it is at least 90% plagiarism free. Please follow the assignment rules & criteria . Finally, I expect to get good grades. Essay Criteria: 1. Breadth, depth and focus of content in relation to the question set for the assignment/essay and learning outcomes for the module. This means you need to show that you have read widely around the topic and also discussed the topic in depth. 2. Knowledge and understanding of module content applied to the assignment/essay. This is about sticking to the module topic and not wandering around another topic from somewhere else. It is also where we can take your reflective appendix into account, where you MUST reflect on a relevant topic from the module. 3. Commentary/discussion show application of theory to practice with evidence of safe clinical practice. Have you discussed how the topic relates to nursing practice? Also is your discussion of theory to practice accurate, feasible and not making unsafe? 4. Presentation and organisation of work. Referencing system complies with the School Referencing and Citation style. Is there a good introduction, followed by a logical line of argument through clear paragraphs, and lastly a conclusion which rounds the argument off? Is the referencing accurate and using the correct style?