Critically appraise the studies chosen for your literature review. This is conducted using the process outlined on the Literature Review Matrix and the rapid critical appraisals of qualitative and quantitative research, Gray, et al., 2017).
NSG 603 Lit Review Assignment-3;Application of Nursing Research Review of the Literature This assignment begins the literature review for your coursework in NSG 608. The written paper will address the following criteria on your chosen topic. The Grading
· The introduction to this paper should be a minimum of a paragraph and include:
· Discussion of the general topic, issue, or area of research, providing an appropriate explanation for reviewing the literature.
· Point out what has been published about the topic, and conflicts or gaps in the research.
· State the general findings of the review in a summarization (what do most of the sources conclude)?
· Provide a comment on the availability of sources in the subject area.
· Explain the criteria to be used in analyzing and comparing the literature.
Literature Review
(See Chapter 6 in Grove, Burns & Gray).
· Explain the methodology used to locate the best evidence.
· Identify the databases used for the search.
· Include the search terms used-key words for the search.
· What inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied to the search?
· Identify the number of studies and ranges of dates of the studies/evidence retrieved, along with the number and publication dates of the studies.
· Limit articles to last 5 years unless landmark or classic study/theory.
· Identify and define the hierarchy/ strength of evidence (Gray, Grove, & Sutherland, 2017).
· Critically appraise the studies chosen for your literature review. This is conducted using the process outlined on the Literature Review Matrix and the rapid critical appraisals of qualitative and quantitative research, Gray, et al., 2017). Any statistics that are available in the research article should be included in the review.
· Synthesize and discuss, in detail, the major recommendations that emerge from the synthesis of evidence.
· Limitations of the search and review.
· Summarization of key finding of the review.
· Note commonalities between works, favorable or not.
· This is the researchers opportunity to justify the research proposal. Restate your proposal and support according to the finding of the review.
Literature Matrix
· Please include the literature matrix