Describe two (2) actual and/or potential health concerns for the client;
The aim of this assignment is for students to demonstrate an understanding of health promotion strategies, including education strategies that address the needs of clients with chronic diseases that empowers them to self-manage their condition. The provision of education to enable people to make decisions and to take actions in relation to their health is part of the role of the Registered Nurse (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, 2016). This assignment addresses the following course learning outcomes:
1. Apply health promotion and illness prevention practices to support people diagnosed with chronic illness;
2. Evaluate person-centred care for optimal self-management and promotion of active participation of both individuals and families in symptomatic management of chronic disease;
3. Analyse primary health care and health promotion strategies that address the needs of those with chronic diseases.
TASK: Instructions:
For this assignment, you are required to choose one (1) client scenario from the two options given below and address the following criteria:
1. Provide an overview of the chosen client’s chronic condition/illness;
2. Describe two (2) actual and/or potential health concerns for the client;
3. Identify two (2) appropriate topics for client education (one topic for each health concern). Explain how each topic addresses the actual and/or potential health concern for the client and how each topic will assist the client to self-manage their chronic condition and optimise their health;
4. Describe two (2) specific, appropriate client education strategies that the Registered Nurse would use to teach the chosen education topics (one strategy for each topic). Include details of how the education will be structured and delivered (i.e. method/tool used, setting for education, participants to be involved, etc).
5. Justify your choice of education strategies for this particular client.