Discuss Marx’s views on alienation and how the constant innovation of business products will allow for the employees to find meaning and value in their work.
The exam consists of one task: you must develop and defend your own conception of an ideally ethical business. You should imagine your ideal ethical business (the business that you would most like to work at or own), describe what the business does and who its customers are, its size, location, management structure, and so on.More importantly, you must defend the structure you describe: why is THIS business the most ethical you can think of? Why not construct it in an alternative way? You must incorporate as much as possible the views and arguments of the texts we have been reading this semester: KARL MARX-SELECTED WRITINGS, ADAM SMITH-WEALTH OF NATIONS, & ARISTOTLE-POLITICS.If we lived in a Utopian world I would be more in line with Karl Marx’s views so my ethical business would follow his beliefs. It would be an eco friendly sustainable living business called “Recycle Innovation” where new inventions are created from recycled materials that help society while protecting the environment. It will allow people to constantly be tapping into their creative process while being in tune and respecting nature. It can be a large business with thousands of employees that are everyday people bringing their own skills into the creative business. You can choose the specifics of the size, location, and the management structure must follow Marx’s ideas. You should write in agreement with Karl Marx’s views on this business being owned by society as a whole and not privately. This is a good thing as it would not promote capitalism. Supporting his want for a classless society. Discuss Marx’s views on alienation and how the constant innovation of business products will allow for the employees to find meaning and value in their work. In contrast, discuss how Adam Smith’s Capitalistic views would not be in line with the business and how his division of labor method would be detrimental to the ethical business. Discuss how Aristotle