Examine the problems of contemporary health and illness.

BSN499 Capstone Project
Module 2 Assignment 1
Professional Development Plan (PDP) Part 1
Reflect upon your experience in the RN-BSN Program and how you have met each program learning outcome. Summarize the findings in a 5-7 page paper in APA format which address the 10 RN-BSN Program Learning Outcomes as defined in the Grading Rubric.
Assume leadership roles on multidisciplinary teams within health care organizations.
Enhance professional nursing practice through the use of research and evidence-based practice.
Integrate methods of research and scholarship to make and prioritize diagnoses.
Design care for individuals, groups and communities.
Incorporate methods of health promotion and education in nursing care of individuals, families and groups with simple to complex health care needs.
Accept accountability and responsibility for professional judgment and actions.
Integrate professional values and role behaviors.
Examine the problems of contemporary health and illness.
Demonstrate the role of the global citizen.
Collaborate with other groups to shape health policies that affect both individual and community health.
Compose your findings in 5-7 page paper in APA format. Include a minimum of four scholarly references. The title page and reference list are not included in the 5-7 page range.

BSN499 Capstone Project
Module 4 Assignment 2
As a nursing leader you will be required to implement many proposals. This is an exercise to help you learn the processes or steps required for implementation. You may have created a plan in a previous course, such as BSN415 Management Orientation Proposal, on the job or have an idea for such a plan. This assignment represents an implementation action plan. Include an analysis of your action plan to present the proposal and the process for implementation at the site for which it was developed or your current place of employment. You will be addressing key elements of implementation according to the rubric requirements; however, please note that there is no expectation that you will implement this plan. If you are using a plan from a previous course, you must make significant changes to your paper or cite yourself. Using previously graded work is self-plagiarism.
Address the following points:
Summary of the plan you wish to implement and the clearly defined location
Identify 3 outcomes for the proposed plan
Describe the benefits of the plan to the institution
Discuss required resources and potential budget requirements to implement your plan
Propose an action plan with timeline for presenting and implementing the plan
Identify the measures of success used to evaluate the effectiveness of the plan

BSN499 Capstone Project
Module 7 Final Project
The Professional Development Plan (PDP) – Final Assignment
For the Professional Development Plan, expand upon Assignment 1, and incorporate comments from your instructor. The final assignment includes a summary of how the learning in this program has impacted your practice. You will also describe three short-term and long-term professional goals.
Summarize your PDP findings in a 12-15 slide PowerPoint presentation in APA format and upload it to VoiceThread. Using the VoiceThread commenting feature, synthesize your learning experiences and journal entries throughout the capstone course, and provide examples of how you achieved the ten RN-BSN Program Learning Outcomes: Review the Grading Rubric to ensure you have included all aspects of the assignment.
Assume leadership roles on multidisciplinary teams within health care organizations.
Enhance professional nursing practice through the use of research and evidence-based practice.
Integrate methods of research and scholarship to make and prioritize diagnoses.
Design care for individuals, groups and communities.
Incorporate methods of health promotion and education in nursing care of individuals, families and groups with simple to complex health care needs.
Accept accountability and responsibility for professional judgment and actions.
Integrate professional values and role behaviors.
Examine the problems of contemporary health and illness.
Demonstrate the role of the global citizen.
Collaborate with other groups to shape health policies that affect both individual and community health.
Include a minimum of six scholarly references. The title page and reference list are not included in the slide range. Be sure to appropriately share your work with the course. Refer to the VoiceThread Guide in this Module for details.

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