Explain the concept of true collaboration in health care.

You are part of an interdisciplinary team that has been highly effective. Your supervisor asks you to write a short article about why the team has been so successful and submit it to the organizational newsletter for publication.
Search for peer-reviewed journal articles on collaboration and teamwork in health care. You will need at least 3 articles to support your work on this assessment.
In the article you write for this assessment be sure you do the following:
Explain the concept of true collaboration in health care.
Describe the benefits of effective collaboration and teamwork in health care for the following groups:
o Patients.
o Organizations.
o Team members.
Describe the characteristics and concepts required for effective interdisciplinary collaboration.
Describe barriers to effective interdisciplinary collaboration.
Identify evidence-based strategies to overcome barriers to effective interdisciplinary collaboration.
Format this assessment according to current APA style and formatting guidelines.
Additional Requirements
Include a title page and reference page.
Ensure your assessment is 4 pages.
Use double-spaced 12-pt. Times New Roman font.

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