For this essay choose two different works (theater and cinema) from chapters 7 and 8 of the book, “Perceiving the Arts: An introduction to the Humanities” (pages 164-205) and craft a reflexive essay based on your initial response and thoughts to your selected pieces. •Consider the two pieces that you chose for this essay. How do they specifically help illustrate your responses to the questions listed below? What attracted you to these specific pieces? What did you learn from studying them?

November 17, 2019 Off All,


For this essay choose two different works (theater and cinema) from chapters 7 and 8 of the book, “Perceiving the Arts: An introduction to the Humanities” (pages 164-205) and craft a reflexive essay based on your initial response and thoughts to your selected pieces. •Consider the two pieces that you chose for this essay. How do they specifically help illustrate your responses to the questions listed below? What attracted you to these specific pieces? What did you learn from studying them? Did they meet your expectations? How and why did you relate to them? °What aspects of plot or character attracted or engaged you? °What one thing did you learn that you did not know previously? How does the film you selected compare or contrast to movies you typically watch? °What was your reaction to the selected theater piece? Was it easy to understand? Did you relate to it in a real world sense? °Has the knowledge you gained changed your perception or understanding of film or theater? °What one lesson would you share with a peer about your understanding of Each area (cinema, theater). DO NOT simply outline or summarize the material you covered. Share your ideas and what the selected art means to you. Your essay should reflect what you learned, your opinions and your world view. *Paper must be typed in Microsoft word *should be at least 3 pages (750 words) *Writing should use formal language and include correct spelling and punctuation. *Use APA Style for formatting and citation.

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