May 1, 2019 Off All,

Instructions For your research paper, you will be writing objectively about a justice topic of your choice (policing, courts, corrections, etc.), you may choose any justice topic that we have covered in class or in the course readings. Your paper should include these 4 distinct sections (headings are expected): Introduction Introduce the topic and purpose of the paper. Remember to provide a road map to the reader, what are the main topics that will be covered within the paper? History A section covering the history of the topic within the field of criminal justice. Include any notable movements, cases, or happenings that impacted the development of the topic. Current A section that provides an in-depth discussion of the current status of the topic. Include notable current events/happenings/cases/etc. that are impacting the topic. Conclusion Reiterate the main points covered in the paper and tie everything up. You will be required to utilize a minimum of 10 academic sources. Of the 10 academic sources, 5 must be peer-reviewed sources and 5 must be additional sources. You are allowed to use sources from your previous assignments if they are in line with your topic of choice. You are allowed to use more than 10 academic sources if you feel that they will add to the quality of your paper. Acceptable peer-reviewed sources are articles published in an academic journal. Acceptable additional sources are books, edited books, news articles, magazine articles, government reports, non-government organization reports, court decisions, and code law. Unacceptable sources include, but are not limited to: lecture, encyclopedias, blogs, Wikipedia,,, Yahoo, Google, Murderpedia,, or other random websites. If you are unsure about if a source is acceptable, email it to me. All sources that you use must be referenced properly and must be cited in text. Your paper must meet the following additional requirements: This paper, at minimum, should be 5 full pages (not including cover page, headings, reference page, blank spaces, etc.). The paper should be written utilizing double spacing, size 12 Times New Roman font, and 1 inch margins on all sides. APA formatting guidelines should be followed. A paper checklist and power point have been provided on D2L, you are responsible for utilizing both when writing and formatting your paper. The Academic Enhancement Center and the Owl at Purdue website also provide APA formatting aid. Your paper must have a cover page, running head, and reference page. An abstract is not required. Do not write the paper from a first person or subjective standpoint. This paper is to be an objective analysis of the chosen topic. Use what you have learned about using a professional/academic voice! Be sure to use headings to aid in clearly delineating your topic sections. See the Owl at Purdue for APA heading instructions. Quotations are allowed, but cannot make up more than 10% of the text. Block quotes (quotes that are 40 words or more) are not allowed. Remember our discussions of when quotes should be used. Points will be deducted if the paper is turned in late, further points will also be deducted for failure to follow any of the requirements noted above.

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