is the case as described as a legal firing in California? If it is, defend it; if it is not, what detail (either explicitly in the case or implied by the case) would show it is an illegal firing? Explain.

Homework Help- Business Ethics Essay Case Study Question and Answers

Business Ethics: Essay

Write an essay about 4 pages in length (not over 5 pages) with 12-point font, 1.5 spacing between lines, and standard margins.

Prompt: The following6cases (A-F) below, and answer questions (I) and (II) about each case you chose, clearly and thoroughly. Do not use any outside information or online information but only the information from the handout below the cases (“Legal and Illegal Firings”)to make your argument about each case. (Even if the case really occurred, and I have made a factual error in my account of it, still use only the information provided here about the case, as if this rendering of it is 100% true.). Choose, one of the following theories, universal rules, Utilitarian, rights or virtue.

(I) is the case as described as a legal firing in California? If it is, defend it; if it is not, what detail (either explicitly in the case or implied by the case) would show it is an illegal firing? Explain. (You may “unearth” a detail that would make the firing illegal, but the detail must be consistent with the case.)

(II) is the case described an ethical firing (in any state)? Apply any 1 of the 4 ethical theories we have: utilitarian theory (the greater good), universal principles of right and wrong, human rights, or virtue theory (personal character). Justify your conclusion. You must use each one of the 4 ethical theories in this essay at least once. So, you can use utilitarian theory for 2 of the 5 cases you are analyzing, but then you must use universal rules, human rights, and virtue ethics for the other 3.

Case (A): Ron loved music and was lucky enough to get a job at a record company. It was an entry level job, but he did get perks: He could meet with singers and groups and have lunch with them when available. To promote the company’s artists, those in charge of promotions would get hundreds of CDs to give to radio stations or other venues to promote the new album or band. Ron noticed his supervisor, Dan, was always taking 100s of CDs but he (Ron) never saw Dan give them to any outlets that would air the music. He soon found out why. It turned out Dan was making extra money by selling the promotional copies to record stores in town (to be sold, brand new). Ron didn’t know what to do. He did not want to report his supervisor Dan, but he eventually decided this was illegal and if he failed to report it, he would be viewed as an accomplice. So, Ron mentioned to Dan’s supervisor, Steve, what was occurring. The practice was deemed by Steve to be highly improper. Dan, Ron’s supervisor, was fired. But then, after thanking Ron for bringing the matter to his (Steve’s) attention, Ron was also fired. It was explained to Ron that though he did the right thing, he had rendered himself unemployable at this company. With his demonstrated lack of loyalty to his supervisor, no other supervisor would want to work with him. “Nobody likes a snitch.” Was Ron legally fired? Was he ethically fired?

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