Life-Like or Actually ALIVE?

November 17, 2019 Off All,

Life-Like or Actually ALIVE?

Below are two separate press releases announcing new theories connected to recent archaeological finds. Each press release makes a claim and then relies on an archaeological discovery to prove it. The local news has called on you – an eminent expert in the field – to either support or argue against the stated claims. Choose either the first or second prompt, and in your paper make a case for or against the proposed theory. You must use at least one of the “found” unknown objects listed in the prompt as the main focus for your argument (whichever way you decide to argue). Your paper must have a thesis statement and make a clear argument throughout. (You may also choose to briefly address the counter-argument within your paper.) This is not a research paper and you are not to use outside sources. You are only to use the knowledge you have acquired from lecture, from the textbook, and from the articles assigned to make up a strong, supported argument for or against the reported theory based on the new archaeological object. Whether you decide to prove or disprove the new theory, you must base your argument in actual objects and cultures and sites we have studied. You will be graded on the strength of your argument and how effectively you rely on specific visual evidence to support your case. In your paper, you must use at least three sites/objects we have studied to help support your argument about this new find and theory. Have fun with this assignment! You’re free to choose either side to support, as long as you base your argument in actual objects we have studied. While you do need to focus on actual objects and sites and make an argument around them, you should feel free to make up archaeologists’ names, ancient artists, stories, affiliations, expertise, etc.

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