Provide an evidence informed rationale for your selected Theme (Abortion ethics OR End of life care ethics) CHOOSING ONE OF THE contemporary issue in nursing.
Abortion Poster
An A1 poster presentation with 500 words and 1500 word supporting document (Present a level 6 written rational for your chosen topic, summary of content, underpinning knowledge and full reference list). (chosen topic abortion ethics OR End of life care ethics )
Guidelines for structure and content:
• The written rationale should be written in essay style giving a rationale for the chosen topic, demonstrating a critical appraisal of practice and evidence of relevant research/ literature to support the discussion.
• Provide an evidence informed rationale for your selected Theme (Abortion ethics OR End of life care ethics) CHOOSING ONE OF THE contemporary issue in nursing.
• Identify the target audience for the poster.
Main body:
• Critically explore the impact of abortion ethics OR End of life care ethics issue in relations to human right and ethical dilemmas in nursing care within acute nursing field of practice? Using research based evidence to discuss current practice and to demonstrate integrated theory and practice.
• Review your findings relating to current practice such as:
· Abortion ETHICS OR End of life care as an ethical issue, facts and statistic
• Ethical Theory (definition of ethical theory in nursing profession or practise, such as the principles of Biomedical ethics (2009)), the clinical ethical reasoning by (kaldian et al 2004) and the Thiroux’s universal ethical principles ,1986.
• Discus about the Human Rights and Ethical Dilemmas on the chosen topic
• Discus about Ethical decision making or the rational purposeful decisions on the chosen topic within acute nursing field of practice.
• Codes of Practice (NMC,2015) and other legal status about abortion or End of life care in UK in relating to acute nursing field of practice and a proposal for future practise development.
· Conclusion
• A reference list must be included in Harvard system.
For the A1 poster presentation should contain 500 words, presenting the rational of topic (abortion ethics or end of life care ethics) , abstracts of content, underpinning knowledge and full references list