Provide an outline of your proposed topic for the intended dissertation, i.e. CME409 Building Dissertation

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Provide an outline of your proposed topic for the intended dissertation, i.e. CME409 Building Dissertation 2. The topic proposal should clearly identify the working title representing your selected topic and rationale of conducting research, supported by key literature within the areas of foci. A brief statement on how data collection may be conducted with consideration to accessing data sources and intended outcome(s) of the research would be needed. This is individual coursework. Provide logical discussion in your proposal, supported by the current body of knowledge within the relevant subject(s), to explain and justify arguments. Format The format of the proposal is down to your style of writing. The proposal should provide the following components: Working title; Brief background on and rationale of selecting the topic; Brief data collection consideration – Potential way of accessing and collecting data; as well as Intended main outcome(s) of this research. All assignments must be thoroughly checked for typographical, spelling and grammatical errors prior to submission. Students are required to provide an outline proposal of their intended research topic. Marks will generally be awarded based upon the coherence of arguments within the four (4) components described previously. The descriptions of the marking outcomes are as follows: 80 and above Very well structured proposal demonstrating clear evidence of individual effort and research. Satisfactory demonstration of knowledge in the proposed topic and research processes as covered, as well as discussed within the module notes of this unit and beyond; 70 to 80 Well-structured proposal demonstrating clear evidence of individual effort and research. Satisfactory demonstration of knowledge in the proposed topic and research processes as covered, as well as discussed within the module notes of this unit; 60 to 70 – Proposal with good structure demonstrating clear evidence of individual effort and research. Satisfactory demonstration of adequacy in the proposed topic and research processes as covered, as well as discussed within the module notes of this unit; 50 to 60 – Proposal with acceptable structure demonstrating some evidence of individual effort and research. Satisfactory demonstration of acceptable knowledge in the proposed topic and research processes as covered, as well as discussed within the module notes of this unit; 50 and below – Proposal poorly composed with little evidence of individual effort and research. Failure to demonstrate sufficient knowledge in the proposed topic and research processes as covered, as well as discussed within the module notes of this unit. WORD LIMIT: 1000 WORDS Subject Area: Construction Management Topic proposed: PDS Alliacing and Partnering

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