Tell us what town you investigated and explain why you researched this location. Be sure to include the zip code and the URL for your overall results page in this paragraph.

DB 6 – Where I Live Assignment and DB

Pick any U.S. zip code you would like, such as where you grew up, where you would like to live, where you vacation, etc. Go to the EPA website, (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. to learn about the environmental conditions in that area (it will work for any U.S. location). Enter your chosen zip code. You will get 7 different reports ranging

from MyMaps, MyAir, MyWater, MyEnergy, MyHealth, MyClimate, MyLand, MyCommunity.

*Zipcode to use: 32501 Pensacola, FL * Vacation stay and where I would want to live*

Paragraph 1: Tell us what town you investigated and explain why you researched this location. Be sure to include the zip code and the URL for your overall results page in this paragraph.

Paragraph 2: In bulleted statement form, summarize the detailed quality reports for the following environmental reports, Air (=cloud), Energy (=lightbulb), Health (=medical sign), Climate (=sun) and Land (=mountains). You might not have results for all of these categories. If that is the case, switch zip codes until you find one that gives results and let us know if you switched in this section. Go into detail on the Climate page to discover the largest GHG emitters; in MyLand the Superfund and CleanUp tools should yield results easily. Tell us what you find for your area. This is meant as a research paper, so single sentence answers are not sufficient.

Paragraphs 3+ : DIG INTO THE WATER REPORT. Click on the water droplet to get the full report for your zipcode. Under the Water Quality Assessment header to the far left, you will see a small drop down box of all of the waterways in your zip code. You may have picked a zip code that does not have water information or asks you to zoom in or out. If that happens, just play with the EPA website until you get water results to report, you may have to pick another zipcode. Once you have an area that gives you ‘Water Quality Assessment’ results, look at the waterways in your area (listed in the dropdown box). For this section of your post, you need to tell us:

how many waterways are in your area (this will depend on how zoomed in you look) – a total number is fine, you do not have to list them
how many of those waterways are impaired
tell us specifically what designated use(s) are impairedfor at least one of those waterways and the cause of impairment (click on the + button to see those details).

Next, visit (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. to learn about drought conditions in the US. Zoom in on the US map to the state where your zip code is located. For example, if you picked a town in NC, click on the NC map. Scroll to the statistics table under the map and click on the hyperlinked date at the ‘one year ago’ row under the “Week” column. You will be able to compare current and 2018 data on one screen. Include a drought summary and comparison for 2018 to 2019 in your water quality report for your area. DO not worry if there is not a significant difference! 2018 and 2019 have been extremely wet! If you can go back to 2015, 2016 for comparison, you will see a difference.

Concluding Paragraphs: What was your reaction to the data you discovered about your chosen zip code?

Were you surprised by any of the results?
Are you surprised this information is readily available and yet it is largely unknown by the public?
Would you use this information in the future to guide your home selection or for any other reason?
Final Paragraph: How could and would you use these data in your nursing practice?

In total, we are looking for a minimum of 5 paragraphs but could be far more. This is a project after all, and should be thoroughly developed and well written.

*This is a research paper, APA format with references**

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