The specific health behavioral issue is OBESITY Describe the selected public health problem and its suspected behavioral risk factors.

October 3, 2019 Off All,

The specific health behavioral issue is OBESITY Describe the selected public health problem and its suspected behavioral risk factors. This section should include information as it relates to the assigned population and a selected context/setting (e.g., family, school, neighborhoods, etc.) Discuss why this problem is important and why it is important to intervene now. Discuss how the health behavior issue presents among the selected population, including how the population’s social determinants of health are related to the health issue. Apply the ecological model to the analysis of the selected health behavior issue among the selected priority population. Explain how the behavior theories discussed in the course have been used to understand the behavior topic you selected (i.e., etiology research) and improve the behavior (i.e., intervention research) within a population. In Weeks 1-5 you reviewed papers that investigated each of the following questions (factors) related to the theories being studied each week. Summarize your review of this literature. How have theories improved the understanding (or not) of risk and protective factors for the health behavior in your selected population? How have theories been applied to understand the (risk) factors contributing to (predicting, causing, correlating with) the health behavior and the (protective) factors that are correlated with less of the behavior? How have theories been used to develop and/or evaluate health promotion or prevention efforts, how well have they been applied, and how successful were these efforts to prevent or reduce the selected health behavior problem for your assigned population? Describe the types of interventions that have been done to address the health behavior, including an explanation of the how theory(ies) or theoretical constructs were applied to the development of the intervention, the population the intervention focused on, and a review of the effectiveness of the intervention. In addition to a summary of your review of the interventions in the text of your paper, please create a table as well. The table is not included in the page count and should be included after your reference page as Table 1. The table should include the following headings: Citation (in correct APA style), Population (the population the intervention focused on), Theory used, Specific constructs discussed/used, Outcomes/observations related to each construct. Propose an intervention based on your review of the literature. Based on your review of the literature, discuss what theory(ies) and/or theoretical constructs you propose to use as you plan your intervention. Explain your intervention strategy(ies) and justify how they are based on theoretical constructs. Discuss potential ethical concerns about your strategy(ies).

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