What demographic group do you think this catalog is geared towards: do you think the patrons of this company are from a certain race or social class?
What demographic group do you think this catalog is geared towards: do you think the patrons of this company are from a certain race or social class? Why do you think this? Be detailed.
Toy Catalog https://www.theblackfriday.com/walmart-toy-catalog.php?page=1 Project Option #4: Gender in Childrens Catalogs: worth 50 points Due Date: 4/1 (for MW classes) OR 4/2 (for TR classes) This is one of four projects that you may elect to do in order to complete a total of three projects over the course of the semester. Turn in a HARD COPY (or via Black Board) of this assignment. Respond to each of the following items using your sociological imagination: 1] Obtain a mail order catalog that caters to childrens clothing or childrens toys. IKEA is actually an easy one to get your hands on, and it has what you will need. You can use a website, but include the FULL website address, so I can visit it myself. Take some time to carefully analyze the pictures. Do NOT choose a website with no pictures. It is important to also choose a website that actually depicts children with the toys and not just the toys (ex. Amazon). This may require some extra effort on your part. I will also accept trips to department stores and observations of toy aisles and advertisements in stores. This will require you to attach photographs in your paper, so I can see to what you are referring. Please number the photographs, and refer to the phot number in your paper, so I can follow along. 2] Write down the company that produced the catalog (or the FULL web address OR the department store name and location). What demographic group do you think this catalog is geared towards: do you think the patrons of this company are from a certain race or social class? Why do you think this? Be detailed. 3] Create a tally, or a frequency distribution that shows the total number of boys and girls depicted (if you are visiting an actual store, tell me how many aisles of boys toys versus girls and approximate size of the girl section versus the boy section of the store). If you have chosen a catalog/website that has 100s or even 1000s of items/pictures, continue through until you have seen at least 50 pictures. If you are visiting a store for this project, provide specific information about aisles and department sizes. You might want to consider going to TWO stores, so you can compare and get a larger sample size. I will not require this, but I promise you it will improve your grade. 4] Now, evaluate the pictures (or items/aisles/department sizes). Describe the differences between the boys and girls products. In general, comment on the types of toys and their purpose. PROVIDE EXAMPLES. You may want to (but do NOT have to) consider some of the following dimensions: A] Do the toys encourage cooperation? Violence? Vanity? Competition? B] Do the toys encourage active play or passive play? C] Are clothes designed for rugged play, or for show? 5] Now, focus on the activities the boys versus girls are engaged in (where applicable). PROVIDE EXAMPLES. If you are in a department store, spend some time looking at the depictions of children on the toys themselves (or if there are advertisements in the store depicting children, describe these). You may want to (but do NOT have to) consider some of the following dimensions: A] Who is more daring or outgoing? B] Who is being supervised by adults? C] Who is being assisted or helped? D] Are the boys and girls depicted performing stereotypical traits, like sports or cooking? 6] Overall, does your catalog (website, or store) reinforce stereotypical gender roles, or challenge them? Provide some evidence to substantiate your position here (draw from your tallies and observations). 7] Use your sociological imagination. Is anticipatory socialization occurring, and if so, how? What future roles are boys and girls likely to assume in the future? How do you feel about this/any surprises? The paper should be TYPED, DOUBLE SPACED, 12 POINT FONT. You can write this paper in question/answer format. You should be able to write approximately 2-3 pages. Due dates are listed above; papers are due by the time I leave my office on the due date. REMEMBER: you only have to complete 3 of the 4 projects. This does not have to be one of them (unless you skipped the first project). This is NOT a group project. Cheating and plagiarism will result not only in a zero, but you will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including removal from the class.